I made a Frappuccino!!

I made a Frappuccino!!

Yeah, it’s not an achievement but at this point of time, anything I try and succeed in, seems like one, lol. Also, this is no food blog, so I don’t have a suitable category for this post. I’ll just put this down under “Others”.

So, basically, a friend of mine introduced me to these Starbucks frappuccino. I am no fan of American coffee because Indian coffee recipes taste quite different from coffees here. The Indians usually like their coffees heavy on milk and cream, and hence, I cannot develop the taste of ‘coffee-heavy’ coffee at all, somehow. So, I ended up getting addicted to this delicious drink, which comes in different flavors. By the way, this is no promotional post. And since Starbucks drinks are expensive for a grad student like me, who anyway keeps whining about money, I decided to give it a try a home. This 5 minute drink was much easier (and cheaper ;)) to make and tasted exactly like Iced Mocha in India, I seriously don’t know how a mocha tastes in USA though.

For anyone wanting to know the differences between all these caffeinated drinks, here is a link to help you: Difference between coffee drinks

So, today, after much search for different recipes on the internet, I decided to give it a try. I’ll write the recipe down, you can decide the quantity of each ingredient yourself depending on whether you like coffee, chocolate or sugar more.

Not the best photography skills, I know. Just know that it tastes the best! Also, reusing the bottle…

Ingredients: Instant coffee, Granulated Sugar, Ice (optional), Chocolate Powder and/or Chocolate Ice-Cream

Here goes:

  1. Take water in a pan, about 1/4th of the bottle shown in the pic, warm it just enough to dissolve instant coffee (Nescafe instant coffee). Cool it for 2 minutes.
  2. Meanwhile, add sugar, chocolate powder and chocolate ice-cream to the bottle. Again, the quantities will depend upon what taste you like. I used about 1/2 teaspoon of coffee, 1/2 tablespoon sugar, 1 tablespoon ice-cream and 1 teaspoon chocolate powder. You can also skip one of the chocolate powder or ice-cream. I think chocolate ice-cream gave a creamy texture to my drink, which was good for me. You can even change the flavors of “choco” powder and ice-cream. Try Vanilla, Strawberry, whatever you like!!
  3. Add the cooled instant coffee to the bottle, shake the bottle to mix the ingredients
  4. Fill the rest of the bottle with chilled milk.

Of course, if you have time, it’s always better to blend, to mix the ingredients properly, have crushed ice as an added topping and give it a frothy texture. But the time constrained student I am, this worked wonders for me. This is going to be my daily dose of caffeine from now on!

Side Story: Nothing here. I am so busy that I am not getting time for myself. Between three part time jobs, 3 courses, research and job hunting, it feels more hectic than last semester ;-;

But I am trying to manage. I am definitely not attending language classes this time because, of course, no time. I am still doing Japanese through Duolingo and WaniKani here and there, I miss them most of the days, so yeah, language learning is on halt as of now ;-;

All seems sad, you say. Anything happy, you ask? Hmm… lemme think. I have started going on morning walks because I have bought a new phone and can play PokemonGo easily now. Does that sound happy? Yeah, I need to exercise my broken ankle, and so, apart from going to and fro campus, I go for morning walks now, which is pretty fun.

Anything else? Hmm… I wonder. My apartment is cleaner now, there is no fight of who will clean what. Whoever gets whatever time, we clean! That’s why my whole being is in peace. I guess this is a kind of happiness?

Oh, by the way, I will keep writing like this, without a set schedule, in future as well since this is school time. I admit, I was never a regular updater but still. I might skip months even this time. Anyway, I am feeling so sleepy right now, pulled another all nighter for another assignment. Gotta have my frappuccino to drive away this sleepiness. Until next time o/

Today’s song: I have no idea why I keep coming to this song again and again but his voice *melting away*

4 thoughts on “I made a Frappuccino!!

  1. Thanks for sharing this recipe! I feel you here, I find Starbucks extremely expensive plus I don’t even like the taste of coffe ;_; it also gives me tachycardia so no no no. But a little goes a long way, and this recipe is so yummy! Definitely going to give it a try.
    I don’t think that there are only sad things in your post. Not having time for ourselves is not cool, but you’re actually busy doing amazing things so this is good. I remembering when I was doing my master’s in London I was like this, crazily busy and everything, but it also was the best time of my life. I like reading this life updates even if you don’t have the chance to talk about language learning!


    1. I was the same Julia, I, in general, don’t like coffee. But given that I feel a little too sleepy these days, I have to have coffee to keep myself awake ;-;
      Oh damn, does coffee do that to you? I hope you’re okay now?
      Hehe, I know right. These small achievements are what constitute happiness for a grad student XD
      Thanks for reading as usual. Yeah, language learning has been slow lately. In these times, I end up relying on Pimsleur’s audio tracks when I go for walks and such, to keep myself in touch…

      Liked by 1 person

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